Christian Winn is the co-founder of Storyfort - a branch of the Treefort Music festival, which is held every Spring in the beautiful city of Boise, Idaho.  Storyfort brings poetry, fiction, rock history, hip hop, memoir, journalism, cocktail stories, brew master narratives, and all the good words to Treefort Music Fest. This event is always free, open to the public, and all ages. 

For more information on this years lineup you can visit the Storyfort Website.

In Christian's words: 

"Storyfort is the narrative/literary wing/subfort, of Treefort where we present poets, fiction writers, journalists, and musicians. We are bringing in people from out of town who locals wouldn’t necessarily be able to see and we are also supporting the local communities, like Treefort does with their musicians by having many genres to offer people who are into this writing thing. It’s been really successful and really cool. And we’re getting more and more support. It’s a community building literary event."

Check out the rest of the interview with Christian and the story behind StoryFort here.

You can find more information about other StoryFort related events, including the ScaryFort Halloween storytelling event on our Events page.