Christian Winn was awarded Idaho's Writer in Residence, 2016-2019


The Idaho Writer in Residence displays preeminent quality in the literary field, complemented by the ability to deliver compelling readings. Applicants are anonymous to the reviewers and are judged on the basis of existing work, a recording of their recitation, and professional history. The Writer in Residence serves a three-year term during which he or she gives at least four annual readings throughout the state (8 of the 12 in rural communities). 
More information about the award and grant can be found at the Idaho Commission on the Arts Website -

You can read further articles on this designation from the Idaho Statesman, the Boise WeeklyBoise State University, and the blog Writing Without Paper

Idaho’s Writer in Residence, a designation sponsored by the Idaho Commission on the Arts, nominates and showcases talent in Idaho. Winn was selected for this title by panelists including former Wallace Stegner Fellow and novelist Val Brelinski, Montana Poet Laureate Michael Earl Craig, and authors Peter Montford and Deborah Reed.



Recognized Writing:

National Magazine Award for fiction, Winner

“Rough Cut,” a short story, McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern #21

2010 Pushcart Award, Nomination

“False History,” a short story, Bat City Review. 

The Best American Mystery Stories, Nomination

“Dentists,” a short story, Chattahoochee Review

2006 Gulf Coast fiction prize, Winner

 “The Dirtiest Hamburger in the World,” a short story, Winter/Spring 2006 Gulf Coast